Code4Cause Series: SDG2: Zero Hunger: Share The Meal

I am starting a new series called Code 4 Cause (#Code4Cause). In this series I review companies that build solutions around 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.

I am starting this series to promote technologies and businesses that are innovating solutions to combat real world challenges. To me, it’s really important that we support each other and it just really excites me to see how people are coming together in the form of business to challenge conventional standards and methods that we see today to come up with new and out of the box solutions to build a better future.

I would like to give some background information on a key topic that will be present across all my videos in this series, the UN Sustainable development Goals.

The UN SDGs are 17 Global Goals adopted by all United Nations Member States as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

The SDGs are:

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health and Well Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life on land
  • Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
  • And last
  • Partnership for the Goals

Today’s company that we will be learning about is, Share the Meal, an  app of the United Nations World Food Programme, that works to combat the SDG Zero Hunger. 

Here is the official website for Share the Meal that we will be going through

Right off the bat we see some really impactful statistics such as that Share the Meal the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger. And each year, WFP reaches more than 86 million people with food assistance in around 83 countries.

Now how does this app really work: In their core values first, we can see 80 cents. This means that any one of us can donate a minimum of 80 cents which helps one child fight hunger a day.

Next, by transparency they mean that the donors on the platform can see progress of this initiative and the impact that even 80 cents can make.

And above it mentioned that this platform is 100% voluntarily funded which means that we fund the app that allows for a continuous and sustainable platform.

There are two other features on this app that I want to talk about.

The first is the table feature where an user of the app can directly connect with the families and provide them with direct assistance. In real time I could learn about a family’s needs and purchase items fit for the family and allowing them to flourish. The personal connection factor on the app really provides this gratifying feeling that inspires us to make change ourselves as we are directly involved in the process of helping a family in need.

Another great feature for this is the in-app teams. On the app you can search for various teams across the world and support the teams and their causes. This app provides a great platform for people to connect with each other and fight hunger.

In terms of the technology this app is available on both the app store and play store. The user journey for the app is so simple and efficient as just with a simple tap you’re able to help a child in need. This is the table feature this is where we were can see the progress

Most donors worry about where and their money is being used and this app provides transparency! It showcases the progress and how much impact they have made. This feature provides motivation for more donors as we can clearly see how even $0.80 can help a child in hunger. 

This solution overall is just so innovative that we as a community can make such a big impact through this platform. It takes a really simple concept of donations has made a platform that connects people to fight for hunger. 

Now, this app already ecompasses great aspects to help fight hunger. However, in terms of the donors maybe the app can provide more information/transparency on the cost breakdown of the app to just further assure them. For instance, more information about the food itself and whether or not any of the donations go to companies for advertising. If the donors are assured that every single penny from their donation is being provided to help a child, it would further motivate them to donate and spread the word. 

I am going to add the link to Share the Meal for you to check out and support their business. I hope this series provides motivation for you to think outside the box on how you can support the UN SDGs. Don’t forget to #Code4Cause!





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